Short Course Description
Title: An introduction to stochastic phenomena
Language: The course will be given in English
Lecturer: Dr. Shlomi Reuveni
Credit: 3 points
Prerequisites: Introduction to probability + first and second year courses in math for Chemistry/Physics students (or equivalent). A course in statistical thermodynamics (in parallel also ok).
Course Objective/Goals: The course will introduce the students to the mathematical modeling and analysis of stochastic phenomena in the natural and life sciences.
Course Syllabus: Detailed course syllabus in English is available upon request. Please contact the lecturer directly.
Bibliography: First Steps in Random Walks ? From Tools to Applications, J. Klafter and I. M. Sokolov + Recent Papers & Course Notes.
Course requirements and grade: Home assignments will be given every week. Solving at least 70% of the assignments is a pass/fail requirement. An exam will be held at the end of the course. The grade in the course will be determined based on the home assignments and the exam.
Full Syllabus