

Course Number 0411-4614-01
Course Name Advanced Topics in Plant Biology
Academic Unit The George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences -
School of Plant Sciences and Food Security
Lecturer Prof. Roni AloniContact
Lecturer Prof. Marcelo SternbergContact
Lecturer Dr. Nir SadeContact
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Office Hours By appointmentBuilding: CohenPorter/Britania-Life Sci , Room: 514
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Office Hours By appointmentBuilding: CohenPorter/Britania-Life Sci , Room: 612
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Office Hours By appointmentBuilding: Institute for Cereal Crops Imp , Room: 1
Mode of Instruction Lecture
Credit Hours 2
Semester 2021/2
Day Tue
Hours 09:00-11:00
Building Yehuda Naftali Botanical Garde
Room 001
Course is taught in English
Syllabus Not Found

Short Course Description

Lecturer: Prof. Roni Aloni, Dr. Nir Sade, Prof. Marcelo Sternberg
Semester: 2nd
Day: Tuesday ?
Time: Weekly lectures of 2 hr each - 9:15-11:00 hs ield trip.
Place: Botanical Gardens - Lecture room
Credits: 2 points
Target students: MSc students in the Plant Sciences track
Course Name in Hebrew: פרקים נבחרים במדעי הצמח


This course will rely on both lectures, reading of primary scientific literature, student presentation and discussion. Efforts will be made to provide students with some important and updated topics in Plant Sciences. The course will last 12 weeks. Each lecturer will give four classes.

The course will cover different topics in Plant Sciences:

Prof. Roni Aloni: lectures will focus on structure and development of the vascular tissues in plants and their adaptation to the environment. The hormonal signals that regulate the differentiation of plants and their tissues will be clarified and discussed in both normal and tumerous tissues. The lectures intend to guide molecular biology and ecology students, equipping them to successfully study plants.

Prof. Marcelo Sternberg lectures will focus on advanced topics in seed ecology. Particular topics will include: a) Seed evolution, b) Seed traits, c) Seed germination, d) Seed ecology, and e) Soil seed banks. These topics will be included in the general framework of global climate change and how seeds may reponse to new climatic conditions.

Dr. Nir Sade lectures will focus on advanced topics in: crops plant water use efficiency and the plant source/sink relationship. Particular topics will include 1) genes and metabolic pathways regulating water use efficiency, 2) genes and metabolic pathway regulating carbon and nitrogen assimilation and allocation, 3) forward (genome wide association mapping) and reverse (CRISPR/CAS9) genetic approaches for improvement of WUE and source/sink relations. These topics will be included in the general framework of global climate change and abiotic stress response.

Course meetings will consist of frontal lectures and discussing the motivations, methods, results of selected recent papers. Debates of hot topics of current interest in plant sciences will be discussed in class. Attendance at the course is compulsory with minimal of 80% of classes presence.

Student performance in the course will be evaluated as follows:

Prof. Aloni will request answering questions based on selected chapters of his new book (2021) entitled: Vascular Differentiation and Plant Hormones. Access to the book will be given to all students. The answers will assign 33% of the final grade.

Dr. Sade and Prof. Sternberg lectures will be evaluated through a multi-choice questions exam. This exam will provide 67% of the final grade.

Full syllabus will be available to registered students only
Course Requirements

Final Exam

Students may be required to submit additional assignments
Full requirements as stated in full syllabus

The specific prerequisites of the course,
according to the study program, appears on the program page of the handbook

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